Saturday, August 25, 2012

Full Payment Patient (FPP) Hospital Putrajaya

Bila dah kahwin kita mesti nak anak kan? Sebelum kahwin lagi aku dah dengar macam-macam pengalaman kawan-kawan aku mengenai hospital bersalin. Yang bersalin dekat private, yang bersalin dekat goverment. Kadang - kadang rasa takut pulak dengar pengalaman dan pembayaran yang dikenakan. Sebelum nie aku memang x tahu pun pasal Full Payment Patient dekat hospital kerajaan. Aku dapat tahu pun bila aku tanya kawan aku. 

Oopps, sebelum tue aku ambik keputusaan untuk buat FPP bukan sebab aku mengandung tapi aku nak buat check-up untuk period circulation di bahagian O&G. Setahu aku x banyak hospital kerajaan yang tawarkan FPP nie. Kalau x silap hospital putrajaya, hospital selayang dengan HKL @ HUKM.  Kalau nak tahu lebih pasal FPP nie korang boleh masuk laman web hospital putrajaya. 


Full Paying Patient Scheme (FPPS)

Putrajaya Hospital is also one of the two in the country offering the Full Paying Patient scheme whereby patient can choose to receive all the conveniences of a private hospital

Benefits to Patient

Choice of Specialists
Enjoy several facilities such as First Class Ward and Executive Ward

Conditions to be a FPPS Patient

Agree to pay all medical cost charges by the hospital authorities by signing the Consent Form

Who is Eligible to be a FPPS patient

Citizens and non-citizens of Malaysia.
Government employees who choose the FPP Scheme.
Employee of corporate/private sector in which their employer/organization has agreed to bear their medical expenditure.

Untuk pendaftaran kali pertama untuk bahagian O&G korang kena bayar RM110 dan setiap kali datang untuk appointment dikenakan bayaran RM60. Ada 4 orang doktor pakar dibahagian O&G (2 lelaki dan 2 perempuan), aku pilih doktor lelaki iaitu doktor azmi sebab doktor lain dah terlampau ramai patient FPP. Lgpun aku mls kalau ramai patient untuk satu doktor nnt doktor senang lupa pasal kita..hehe. 

Setelah beberapa kali berjumpa dengan doktor Azmi aku di"refer"kan kepada doktor pakar (Dr. Nurain) di bahagian medical atas sebab2 yang x dapat diberitahu. Untuk medical pun aku ambik FPP walaupun doktor cadangkan untuk buat patient biasa memandangkan akan ada banyak blood test yang aku kena ambik. Oh, kalau untuk bahagian medical kena bayar jugak yuran pendaftaran sebanyak RM110 sebab nie jabatan lain. Kemudian macam biasala pembayaran sebanyak RM60 setiap kali jumpa. Setakat nie aku xde apa2 masalah bila ambik FPP. Layanan doktor ok, nurse pun ok. Cuma satu jer aku x suka kat hospital Putrajaya nie, parking macam hazab!! 

Lots of Love : Maisarah


Unknown said...

Assalamualaikum and good afternoon.

My name Nur Nazirah Binti Abd Shukor (53250), final year student from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). Currently I am conducted a final year project to fulfill my study requirement. My study title "The Factors that Affecting the Demand of Full Payment Patient (FPP)". I need a minimum 200 respondents who had experience this scheme either present or past. I will distribute the questionnaire soon (via google form). It will be my pleasure if you could contribute with my survey. Note that the result from this questionnaire is for educational purpose only. Hope to hear a positive feedback from you. For any question, can contact me via facebook (Nazirah Shukor) or email at

Thank you and have a great day.

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